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Commercial products and services

This page in the interest of the information exchange within the AIXM community. The companies listed here claim to provide services or products using AIXM.

Important disclaimer

The inclusion of a company name and product description in this list does not imply in any way the endorsement of their products/services (or of the organisation itself) by EUROCONTROL or FAA. Users and buyers should make sure that these products and services are really AIXM compliant and satisfy their needs and expectations.

>>>  AeroNavData

Airport Mapping Data and AIXM

>>>  Indra Avitech

Indra Avitech AIM

>>>  Esri

Aeronautical Solution for Enterprise Aeronautical Data Management

>>>  Frequentis

AIM Solution

>>>  Haritaevi Aviation Engineering


>>>  IDS


>>>  KPGeo

Airport Data Production and AIXM

>>>  Luciad



          The Aviation Data Validation Platform

>>>  NG Aviation

Next Generation Aeronautical Information Management Environment

          >>>  Nilacandi           Outsourced and assisted migration to AIXM

>>>  Pulsar Consulting

Pulsar Consulting ATM Department

>>>  Safe Software

Safe Software's FME

>>>  Snowflake Software

GO Loader & GO Publisher

>>>  SOLITEC Software Solutions GesmbH


>>>  TCP Sistemas e Ingeniería

TCP Sistemas e Ingeniería

>>>  Thales

TopSky - AIM


To have your product/service inserted on this page, please provide the following information (by e-mail to the addresses listed in "Contacts", see page bottom):

  1. the logo of the company (max size 180 x 180 pixels);
  2. a short description of the product/service (maximum 500 words);
  3. optional, two images that are representative for the product/service, both in two sizes: once in small (max 300 x 300 pixels) and another larger (max 1024 x 768 pixels).