Offering standardised and customised AIXM training for executives, domain experts and software developers
About SOLITEC Software Solutions
SOLITEC staff has a long history when it comes to developing and facilitating standard and customised training in the field of aeronautical data management. This includes subjects such as AIXM, ADQ, ARINC 424, Metadata, Terminal procedure coding, etc.
AIXM 5 Learning Videos
Check out our new series of AIXM 5 learning videos. The intention of these videos is to provide an opportunity to learn about complex AIXM concepts in an entertaining, animated, easy going way.
The first episodes of “The AIXM 5 Story” series can be watched on our SOLITEC YouTube channel. We hope you are going to enjoy the videos. Any feedback is more than welcome, just send an email to |
AIXM Training Courses
For particular subjects such as the Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM), SOLITEC offers standard training modules. SOLITEC provides a full range of AIXM training, from training for executives up to specialised expert training for software developers for all kinds of AIXM versions up to AIXM 5.1.1. The training comprises several modules including AIXM UML Model, AIXM schema, GML, metadata, temporality concept, etc. On request we also develop customised training courses that perfectly fits the specific needs of our customers.
For the training course “Implementing Aeronautical Data Quality [IM-ADQ]” offered by IANS-EUROCONTROL, SOLITEC developed and facilities the training modules for Data Set, Data Exchange Format and Metadata which form an integral part of this course. The main focus of these modules is to explain how AIXM supports the EU regulation 73/2010 (laying down requirements on the quality of aeronautical data and aeronautical information for the single European sky), also known as ADQ regulation. The training is conducted at the EUROCONTROL IANS center in Luxembourg or on request also on site. You can book the IM-ADQ training course via the EUROCONTROL Training Zone (