AIXM Business Rules - draft version 0.4
What was new in this version
- Corrections to phase 1 rules, based on feedback from stakeholders. Special thanks to Markus Haas (Comsoft), Volker Grabsch and Matthias Pohl (MClick), Wolfgang Scheucher (Solitec), Michael Clay and Michael Waltl (Frequentis), Johannes Echterhoff (Interactive Instruments). Corrections include:
- Replacement of rules that referred to abstract classes by rules that apply to the non-abstract specialisations;
- Separation of GML profile rules from minimal feature properties list;
- Corrections of typing and copy/paste errors;
- Some clarifications in the concept document with regard to assumptions made when writing the Schematron code (such as use of internal links);
- Definition of rules mentioned explicitly in the ADQ regulation;
- constraints that impose accuracy and resolution for positional (horizontal and vertical) data;
- Rules for referential integrity;
- Individual feature rules, such as for AirspaceVolume;
- First examples of profiles